Koh Laboratory Facilities
TA Instruments Discovery Hybrid Rheometer-2 (DHR-2) with following accessories:
Keysight Impedance Analyzer with Dielectric Test Fixture
Thermo Scientific Barnstead Nanopure Water Purification System
Krüss K12 Tensiometer
Boreal C-Scope Trinocular Microscope with Moticam 3 (L) Camera
Sonics Vibra-Cell Horn Sonicator
Temperature controlled vacuum ovens (≤200 °C)
High torque Caframo overhead stirrer
IKA Ultra-Turrax High Shear homogenizer
- Peltier Plate Temperature control
- Torsional Rheology fixture
- Interfacial Rheology
- Magnetorheology
- Steel parallel plates
- Low temperature (LN2) connections
Keysight Impedance Analyzer with Dielectric Test Fixture
Thermo Scientific Barnstead Nanopure Water Purification System
Krüss K12 Tensiometer
Boreal C-Scope Trinocular Microscope with Moticam 3 (L) Camera
Sonics Vibra-Cell Horn Sonicator
Temperature controlled vacuum ovens (≤200 °C)
High torque Caframo overhead stirrer
IKA Ultra-Turrax High Shear homogenizer
Shared UA Facilities
Additional spectroscopy and analytical equipment available through University of Alabama College of Engineering shared facilities (Raman spectroscopy, FT-IR), Alabama Analytical Research Center (https://aarc.ua.edu/, SEM, TEM, XRD), and UA Water Quality Center shared facilities (LC, GC-MS/MS, TOC analyzer).
Mechanical testing available through shared laboratories such as static and dynamic load testers and microfabrication instrumentation (http://mff.ua.edu/).
Mechanical testing available through shared laboratories such as static and dynamic load testers and microfabrication instrumentation (http://mff.ua.edu/).